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Built Up Roof & Wall Cladding

Profiled metal roofing systems typically consist of a low profile metal inner liner sheet, separated from an outer, higher profile, metal weather sheet. The cavity between them is filled with a layer of thermal insulation to provide the specified level of thermal performance.

 Built-up metal roofing systems are typically assembled on site with the design and components used forming part of a proprietary system.

The insulation is normally a lightweight, high performance, non-combustible Glass Mineral Wool roll, with a Euroclass A1 reaction to fire classification.

There are two categories of thermal bridging that occur
in built-up metal systems, the repeating thermal bridges inherent in
the spacer system, and the thermal bridges at junctions and openings in
the construction. The effect of the repeating thermal bridges is
included in the U-value calculation for the roof.

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